Using Facebook Groups for Business

Jackie L.


We all know that businesses with an internet presence should have a Facebook Page. A Facebook page is like a personal Facebook, but for a business. Usually, a business will advertise and promote products, sales, and reviews on a Facebook page. But, what about Facebook groups? A group is a community of people who have an interest in a business, an influencer, or a celebrity that has an official Facebook page. Groups are a way to build community, and businesses should be utilizing this group function in Facebook as well. It is a great asset in your content marketing strategy.

To see how you can build an online community with a Facebook group for your business, check out some tips below for a successful and engaging Facebook group for business.

Why use Facebook Groups?

Building community around your brand is essential for the success of a business. If you are in the community and engaging with your audience, this will help build trust among your loyal customers. It is also a great way to get new ideas for content, as you can easily see what your customers are wanting from you. By using a Facebook Group, you can easily display social proof that customers love what they get from you, and this can easily influence potential customers.

How to Start

There a couple of things to consider before starting your group. Think about the purpose of the group. Once you have decided that, take time to think about unique tags to use so that it appears in a Facebook search easily. Next, create a eye-catching cover photo, decide on what privacy level your group will be, how you will conduct membership approvals, and fill in all information fields. Make sure to write a welcome pin for new members to see right when they join.

Engage Your Group

Once you have your group started, make some rules and policies that can clearly be viewed by those joining. Rules and policies can include how and when members can post, what is appropriate behavior, and encourage members to inform you of inappropriate or abusive content.

You may want to create content specifically for the facebook group. Unique content that can only be found on the Facebook group will entice people to join and start a discussion. Ask questions you might not normally ask in other social media settings to really get your members engaged. If you have an email newsletter, encourage your members to become active participants in your Facebook group. By requesting members to post, you will quickly gain knowledge of their values, and this allows you to create future content that speaks to them.

Get Them to Join

There are several ways that to encourage people to become members of your group. Creating a unique landing page on your website is one way to promote your group and gain members. You can also ask influencers to join, which will bring in their own followers and members. If you have a robust email member list, advertise your group through an email newsletter. And last but not least, always be involved and engaged in your current members' conversations. By being an active member in your own community, it will foster long lasting business-customer relationships.

We hoped you found some inspiration to start a Facebook group to promote your business and products more easily. What Facebook groups do you enjoy? Let us know below in the comments!

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