By now, you see how social media can grow a business by leaps and bounds, and Twitter is a behemoth in the social media world. Hopefully, you have started and built up an online presence with Twitter by connecting to your customers, and finding new and creative ways to get content out to your loyal audience. If you have a large number of follows, it's now time to tap into them to start making profits. Twitter is definitely a great tool to have in your online marketing strategy. You can reach new audiences, create awareness of your brand, and even conduct stellar customer service all from Twitter.
If you are looking to gain more followers and turn them into loyal repeat customers, take a look at some of our tips to get you started on the path to success with marketing on Twitter.
In order to establish yourself as a reputable brand, make sure your Twitter business page is dressed to the nines. Your Twitter business page design, logo, and color scheme should be consistent with all your other business social media platforms and website. When creating images, double check that they are the correct size for what you are using them for. A great way to create perfectly fitting images is to use something like Canva. It's easy and fast to create a unique image for your Twitter business page.
When it comes to your profile, utilize the entire character count limit. Let people know who you are and what you are about. Include your website and unique hashtags in your profile so others can easily start using them.
Definitely take advantage of Twitter Ads. These ads work the same as Facebook ads. You get to set a budget with no minimum to spend, and you only pay when people follow, like, retweet, or comment on your advertised content. You can set you target audience and duration for the ad. This is a great way to get your content in front of more eyes.
As with all social media and blogging accounts, you will need a kickass content strategy. Create content that is consistent across all platforms with some Twitter-only content to attract people to your account. Use Tweets to engage in conversation with your target audience, announce products, or notify about new blog posts. We highly recommend using a scheduler tool to make sure you are posting content in a timely manner at the same time and day every week. You can use programs like Buffer or Hootsuite.
Keep you tweets short. The shorter your message, the more likely your audience will engage with you. This also goes with links. You can create shorten links to similar content by using programs like or
While written content is important, don't forget to add images also. Post Cron says that images are 34% more likely to be retweeted and engaged with than a Tweet without one.
The hashtag is extremely important in Twitter. Tweets with hashtags are more likely to be retweeted than those that don't have any. Take the time to create unique hashtags for your brand and encourage your followers to start using them. This is also a great way to see how and where your product is being used!
As always, when your followers engage with you on Twitter, answer back in a timely manner as often as you can. The more you continue the conversation with them, the more likely they will become loyal customers and have trust in you as a business. This also goes for any and all customer service you conduct on Twitter. The more timely you answer, the more happy your customers will be.
We hope these tips help you create an amazing Twitter business page that gets you market to your target audience and bring in repeat, loyal customers. Do you have any tips that worked with marketing on your Twitter business account? Share it in the comments below!