Email marketing is an important part of your overall marketing strategy. With every area we create content for we sometimes have a dry spell in wondering what to give our audience. Email marketing is no different. It can be challenging to consistently create new and engaging email content to keep our audience with us in the long run.
If you find that you need a bit of inspiration, check out these simple and fantastic ways to connect to your audience.
Do you have a new product coming out? Did you start partnering with a charity? Tell your audience about it! The customers on your email list want to be the first to know about your big news. The more you share the great news, the more your customers will see how transparent and willing you are to include them.
Once the item has shipped and delivered, it doesn’t mean that all communication is finished between you and the customer. Once the customer has received their product, send a follow-up to make sure everything went smoothly with delivery. If the customer answers, this is a good time to start up with great customer service, no matter if it’s a positive or negative experience.
If you have been in business for a bit, you probably have a few extremely loyal and consistent customers. This is a wonderful chance for you to give them a special reward. The rewards can be almost anything you think they would go gaga over. Some things to give are points, birthday gifts or coupons, or VIP benefits like free shipping no matter the total purchased.
Are you revving up for your seasonal sales? Let your loyal customers know first by email! Customers will feel special by hearing about your amazing sales first, so they are ready for when you start. Even send a followup email when your sale has officially started to increase website traffic.
A great idea for an email is to send a big, heartfelt thank you to your customers for making a purchase with you. A thank you to customers boosts your excellent customer service. Great customer service is the most important facet of a successful business. It’s so important that it can be a game changer against your competition.
If there’s something that customers love is a good contest. Contests are a great way to engage customers, and attract new ones. You can have a simple form for each participant to fill out, or allow them multiple chances to submit an entry. Make the prize something really good. Engage your audience throughout the contest. It’s a great conversation starter within your community.
We hope you have found some great inspiration for your next email campaign. There are numerous ways to create meaningful and engaging content to keep your customers waiting for more. Do you have a great content idea for email? Share it with us below!