Tips for Writing Better Blog Content

Jackie L.


Having content on your business website is a must to guarantee a steady flow of traffic. Writing engaging and share-worthy blog posts can be tricky.  Making sure you are posting consistent content is even more of a challenge.  No matter how new or seasoned a blog writer you are, sometimes one may find that their content is working less than exceptionally.  If you find yourself in a blog content creation slump, check out a few tips below that can refuel your inspiration!

Get Them with a Great Blog Title

The title is the place where you are going to either hook your audience or send them packing.  Make sure your title is short but to the point.  Remember, your readers are accessing your content on various devices, so you want to make sure the title is fully visible.  Check that your title has your SEO keywords, so your content is easily found by search engines.

Bring Them into the Story

The key to any kind of content is to have an informative and well thought out opening paragraph.  This is where you introduce the information you will be going over, and the best place to encourage your audience to continue reading.  It's important to keep your message clear and concise, otherwise you will lose your audience.  Add a few bullet points and bold text to make reading more interesting.

Did you know that your Call-to-Action can also be inserted here too?  We usually think of Call-to Actions being placed at the bottom of content.  Why not put it right there after your amazing paragraph?  Some readers may be so excited by your opening paragraph that they'll want to take action now!

Need more ideas?  CopyBlogger gives a fews examples of how to create the perfect, engaging opening paragraph.

Add Some Variety

Have you ever clicked on a blog link and were met by a wall of text?  How did it make you feel?  Blogs with solely written content can do great.  However, by adding a graph, image, or short video can help break up your text and make your content more digestible.  OptiMonster says that using images in your blog post can increase viewers by 94%!  Add hyperlinks in your body of text.  These can be hyperlinks to other articles in your blog, or relevant content from another blog in your niche or industry.

Conclude Your Content

Now it's time to briefly wrap up what you went over and the solutions your blog content provided your viewers.  This is also a great time to post your Call-to-Action again, encouraging those readers who stayed for the ride to sign up or make a purchase.  Make sure to show readers why they should stay tuned for the next blog post.  Ask a question or take a poll to get a conversation going in the comments section.  And, don't be afraid to participate in that discussion!

By now, you have a better idea with what goes into an amazing blog post, and enjoying the process of creating content that your viewers love reading.  Are you needing a few more tips to help inspire your next content creation?  Message us today!

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