The Beginners Guide to Reels

Jackie L.


You have probably watched a few Reels and thought “Wow, how do they do that?”  They came to be as a response to the immensely popular Tiktok app.  After coming into being in 2020, its use has skyrocketed.  Now, they are an integral part of a well thought out social media strategy.  Reels get 22% more engagement than regular video alone. You will reach a far greater audience with Reels!

Many businesses are still shying away from Reels.  There are many reasons why but we’re here to give you a few tips and dispel a few myths to help make Reels less scary, and more fun to do!

Do I Have to Only Do Reels?

No!  Reels may increase your reach, but what will grab your audience is the more educational, varied content on your Instagram.  Be sure to add carousel posts, standalone graphics or photos, videos, and of course Reels.  A nice mixture will help you have a successful social media strategy.

How Do I Start?

We recommend starting with an introductory post.  This can either be introducing yourself or your business. Use trending audio, which you can find by looking for an “↗️” next to the audio at the lower left hand corner of other Reels.  You can do a simple pointing video.  Point in various areas where you will add text that introduces you or your business.  Make sure to write a captivating caption with a Call-to Action (CTA).

I Don’t Have the Time to Do Reels!

The first rule of thumb is to make it casual.  This isn’t a Hollywood movie set.  You don’t need to be a genius with editing video.  As with all forms of content, you want to batch record your Reels.  Also, save audio that you like to use later.  Sit down and find Reels that are inspiring ideas in you, or use a trend and plan how you can use it for your business.  Make a plan that includes 3-4 Reels topics. Once you are ready, set aside some time to record these.  In all honesty, if you make a plan before you record, it all takes less than 20 minutes to get done!

Have Fun!

Filming doesn’t have to be something you dread doing.  At first, it’s going to be awkward.  You might not like what you first put out.  Your first few may actually “flop”.  But don’t let that get you down!  Making educational, inspiring, and entertaining Reels is an art and takes practice.  Keep going and you will get better and better.  Have fun, and enjoy the learning process.

Adding Reels to your business social media strategy is one of the best ways to increase your reach and attract new potential customers.  Make sure you newsfeed content and stories have educational and value-driven content that will make the Reels viewers into followers!

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