How to Create a Winning Website Design

Jackie L.


Over 38% web designers believe that outdated design is a top reason why visitors leave a website. Whether you are just opening your online business or have been out on the internet for some time, you want to make sure that your website is attracting traffic and keeping visitors there.  There are going to be several areas you will need to look at to make sure your website design is perfect.

Let’s look at a few areas we need to consider and how we can discover the best design for our business website.

First and Foremost

Always, always, research your target audience.  Your website design won’t be successful in keeping traffic on your website if it doesn’t speak to your audience!  This is the very first step you need to consider.  This will also help you narrow down what design elements you will use, making your design job easier.

Go in for the Design

There’s lots to think about when it comes to design.  We recommend a simple, easy to use website design that will make the customer experience hassle free.  

  • Be careful when picking your colors.  While a bright and bold design makes things pop, it can deter your visitors.
  • Keep only the content that is absolutely essential on your home page.  Take away anything that customers don’t necessarily need to know.
  • Website design trends are a great way to get ideas, but don’t go overboard with them.  Use them for inspiration, because your target audience is the deciding factor.

Make it User Friendly

You want potential customers to love your website so much that they come back for more.  

  • Put essential content above the fold.
  • Make sure your logo is next to the menu so that visitors know where they are and what you do.  Any Call-to-Action buttons should be colorful, eye popping, and irresistible to click.  Place them throughout your website layout.
  • Make sure all your links work.  Nothing is worse than your visitors clicking a link that takes them to an error page.
  • If you have forms for newsletters or freebies, make sure they are short.  Anything more than NAME and EMAIL will be too much and a waste of time for them to fill out.

The Main Event - Content

Content is where you are going to show those potential customers why you are the business that can solve their problems!

  • Make sure your content is optimized for search engines.  You want those pages to pop up one the first page of results.  If this isn’t the case for your website design, start testing to figure out what will change that.
  • Curate your social media to give value to your audience.  Make sure your social media buttons are easy to find so that visitors can find out more about you!
  • Keep updating your website content.  Make sure you consistently post blogs and edit any copyright dates where needed.

As you work with your design, always return to it to test and optimize. Keeping these things in mind will not only help you create an awesome website design, but will attract your target audience and capture leads of potential customers!  

Are you looking for web design companies in Dallas?  Send us a message today to see how we can elevate your business website!

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