Creating Your First Explainer Video

Jackie L.


Video is quickly becoming the most popular way for customers to enjoy content.  Video can be used in a variety of ways to engage them.  You can show behind-the-scenes of your business, introduce yourself or your employees, or an explainer video that shows how to use your product and service.  Did you know that 73% of people watch videos online every week?  This just goes to show that consumers want to see businesses in action.

If you are needing a great content idea, try an Explainer Video.  We're going to give you a few pointers to make the best explainer video for your product.

Create a Script

While winging it sounds easier, it is best to start by writing a script.  This helps you get organized, time manage, and plan what you want to say.  Your script should be like a story.  Storytelling goes over well with customers.  Bring in characters that they can connect with.  This character will have a problem similar to theirs and shows how your product or service has helped them solve it.

Choose a Type of Video

Explainer videos can come in a variety of ways.  The most common would be a live action explainer video.  However, if you find yourself shying away from the camera, an animation video is just as effective!  You can even get a little bit more creative and use a whiteboard to animate and write out how to use your product or service.

Set the Backdrop

Don't forget that your background is also going to help tell the story.  The background show compliment the characters and story you use.  A great backdrop can be anything from out in nature, using eye-catching colors, or a setting that promotes understanding the product or service.

Add Some Music

Music can elevate the reach of your video. Think about your favorite movies and the music used in them.  Did it make you feel a certain way?  Of course!  Use music to highlight the product and get an emotional response from your target audience.

Add a Call-to-Action

No explainer video is complete without an effective Call-to-Action.   Video content is great but it's even better if it tells the customer what to do next.  Did it show them how to solve their problem?  Then tell them how to get the solution now!  There are a variety of ways to add in a CTA.  You can have a link in the description, have the character say the CTA, have a button appear below the video, or show the link at the end.

Creating an explainer video is like every other type of content.  It needs to be well written, short and sweet, and have a Call-to-Action for your viewers to complete.  If you keep these points in mind, you are sure to have an amazingly effective explainer video that gets you seeing results!

Need help creating the perfect explainer video? Send us a message today!

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